Advent Prayer of Release


Every good thing comes from You, Creator God.

Our community enters the Advent journey together, anticipating the good things you have in mind for us. We call to mind the joyful memories from Advent and Christmas in the past: carol singing and festive parties, wreaths and candles, special foods and nostalgic treats, greetings and gifts from far away.

We offer You, Holy Companion, these memories, these hopes and expectations.

We also remember the difficult things: the absence of loved ones, the difficulties of family, and the expectations that are hard to meet. We call to mind some of the ways that we do not look forward to this time of year: the impacts of cold weather on mobility, the darker days and longer nights, the economic stress of making ends meet.

We offer You, gracious God, these difficult memories and approaching concerns.

This Advent season will be different. Yet, You are the same. We know that, even when all we can muster is a cold and broken hallelujah, You accept our imperfect act of worship. Help us to enter this Advent season fully, anticipating new joys and prepare for difficult changes. In all these things, Loving God, help us to nurture a sacred excitement as we wait for the One who is being born in our midst, the One who comes to upset the powerful and empower the unsettled.


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